Destruction of Traditional Indigenous Pine Nut Picking Groves
In 2015, Members of the Walker River Paiute Nation living in northwestern Nevada were angered after the Forest Service clearcut more than 70 acres of pine nut trees (Tu’ba’pe) that have been used by the tribe for thousands of years, until the modern day.
According to the Forest Service, the trees were cut “by mistake” as part of a federal plan to improve habitat for the Sage Grouse. Tribal members disagree, stating that clearcutting these forests will not help the Sage Grouse and should not be done without consultation and approval from the native people.
This video from filmmaker Myron Dewey showcases what was done to this grove:
The following text is an excerpt from the website that Myron Dewey created after this incident (the website is now offline):
“The local Tribal governments and Indigenous people of Nevada and California are aware of the Carson City District resource management plans to conserve, enhance, and/or restore habitats to provide for the long-term viability of the Greater Sage-grouse Bi-state Distinct Population Segment. This action is needed to address the recent “warranted, but precluded” Endangered Species Act (ESA) finding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) by addressing needed changes in the management and conservation of the Bi-state Distinct Population Segment habitats within the project area to support overall greater sage-grouse population management objectives within the states of Nevada and California.
However, we disagree with your proposed action and request that you CEASE and DESIST immediately! Your agencies are destroying our fishing, hunting and gathering sites as well as sacred sites within the Sweetwater Range and all areas within your DEIS. We have pictures and video’s taken by tribal members from the local areas. We demand that you comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that specifically states your agency is legally bound to comply with Executive Order 13175 and your Trust Responsibility to the Tribes.
You have intentionally destroyed our Pine trees (Tu’ba’pe) forests in Sweetwater (Pehabe Paa’a), Desert Creek (Pazeeta Nahu Gwaytu), Sand Canyon (Kiba Mobegwaytu), the territory of the Paiute (Numu) people and all of the Pinenut (Tu’ba’pe) trees and cedar (Wapi) trees in the Great Basin.”
Local news coverage in the Reno Gazette-Journal: